Deluxe Auxiliary Desk Set
8" x 10" printed rayon flags with gold fringe, gold cord & tassels, black staffs, gold spearheads, and plastic black base with gold metal emblem
Item #: 300.304
Deluxe Auxiliary State Flag Set
Auxiliary, U.S., and state flags
Item #: 300.305
Auxiliary Standard Unit Desk Set
8" x 12" American & Auxiliary flags with base
Item #: 300.301
Auxiliary Desk Colors
4" x 6" printed rayon flags with gold fringe, cord & tassels, staffs, spearheads, and base
Item #: 300.303
Souvenir Banquet U.S. Flag with Stand
4" x 6" printed flag with fringe, staff, & stand
Item #: 100.300
Auxiliary Souvenir Banquet Flag & Stand
4" x 6" with fringe, staff, & stand
Item #: 300.310
Souvenir Banquet U.S. Flag
4" x 6" printed rayon flag with gold fringe and black staff
Item #: 100.301
Auxiliary Souvenir Banquet Flag Only
4" x 6" flag only with fringe & staff
Item #: 300.311